How to Test Serverless Cloud Applications

Glenn Buckholz

Cloud providers are now offering serverless technology, introducing significant changes to how applications are structured and, importantly, tested. The serverless cloud makes certain parts of testing serverless applications opaque. Glenn Buckholz explains the boundaries of each cloud provider’s black box service to expose what can and cannot be tested ahead of time, and what can be evaluated locally and what requires the cloud provider’s platform. Join Glenn as he focuses on answering key testing questions for serverless cloud applications: How and where do I do unit testing? What security testing can I do? How do I implement automated testing? Where do I find my logs/errors? and Can I use CI/CD to speed up my test cycle? Leave with the information you need to create serverless application test plans for AWS Lambda and Azure Functions that allow you to conserve precious, limited testing resources.

About the Presenter

Glenn Buckholz leads CI and deployment automation efforts at Coveros. Using his more than fifteen years of industry experience, Glenn brings success to his customers. Beginning his career as a consultant implementing automated test frameworks, he introduced the concept of change management to many, many projects. After moving on from consulting, Glenn settled down at the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board as their full-time enterprise change manager. He eventually ventured back into the real world at Coveros, where he specializes in implementing agile practices, implementing CI, and engineering configuration management instead of simply documenting it.

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