Improving Software Testing: One Organization's Journey

Joachim Herschmann, Borland Software

In the coming years, testers will be placed under ever increasing pressure. Joachim Herschmann describes key future trends including the increasing alignment of development and test with business needs, the integration of traditionally separate disciplines, a shared responsibility for quality, and the increased use of testing technology. Joachim describes the experiences of Borland's Linz development lab as a framework for a broader discussion about these kinds of changes and their cultural impact on the organization. He describes the journey from a waterfall-based methodology to an iterative, sprint-based development approach and the integration of developers and testers into a single team of engineers. They found that agile development provided new levels of productivity and value-and posed new challenges of shortened test cycles and a need for new test skills and tools. You'll leave with a deeper insight into the resulting culture shift caused by the transformation, and the test process changes that resulted.

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