Integrating Divergent Testing Approaches at Cisco

Bill Schongar, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Many large organizations have evolved their test processes project by project and department by department, leading to inefficient practices, overlapping activities, redundant test environments, shelfware test tools, and more. It is possible, however, to focus on a few key areas and bring even the most wildly different test approaches together. Bill Schongar describes the real-world testing problems at Cisco: thousands of test engineers, a never-ending variety of practices, and numerous tools-all deployed across a large spectrum of environments. Employing collaborative communication among test groups, standardized test coding practices, common test environments, best of breed test tooling, and consolidated results tracking, Cisco was able to integrate their diverse testing approaches successfully. Discover what worked (and what failed) and how Cisco made testing faster, more effective, and less painful-even fun at times. Discover how to keep all this chaos organized, while still allowing people to experiment with new approaches.

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