An Interview with Dawn Haynes: ADC-BSW 2013 Interview Series

Dawn Haynes, PerfTestPlus Inc.

About Agile Development & Better Software Conference West 2013:

Discover Agile Development Conference & Better Software Conference West—the premier collocated conferences for software professionals. The Agile Development Conference is for anyone investigating or implementing agile development practices, processes, technologies, and leadership principles. Learn about the latest tools, trends, and issues regarding software development approaches, plan-driven development methods, and process improvement programs at the Better Software Conference.


Learn more about  Agile Development & Better Software Conference West 2013  and look forward to the next Agile Development & Better Software Conference West .

About the Presenter

Dawn Haynes is COO, principal trainer, and consultant for PerfTestPlus, Inc., and a former director of the Association for Software Testing. Dawn's unique blend of experience, humor, and effectiveness at providing tools and techniques that help students at all levels generate new approaches to common and complex software testing problems has resulted in her international recognition as an elite trainer of testers. She provides consulting services and is a frequent speaker at testing conferences, local groups, and intimate gatherings of testers. Dawn has more than twenty-eight years of experience supporting, administering, developing, and testing software and hardware systems—from small business operations to large corporate enterprises.

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