Introducing Test Automation: The Pain and Gain of the First Year

Andy Redwood, Neutrino Systems

Are you contemplating moving from totally manual testing to automated testing? Andy Redwood shares a case study of a leading financial organization in the UK that did exactly that. Their goal was to automate testing using the
latest tools across multiple projects. They have just finished the first year of the project and have learned some valuable lessons. Andy will describe this
organization's starting position and the goals they set; a step-by-step tour through the processes, tasks, and activities they performed; the new roles that were needed; and how the organizational structure was changed to support
automation. Andy will also share the mistakes they made with decisions, processes, environments, and automation and how they dealt with them. Overall, after the first year, they have laid a foundation for future success based
on sound automation principles.

  • Learn how to create an automation strategy
  • Analyze the team structures and people you will need
  • Discover the issues, risks, and solutions to automation problems

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