Kanban: A True Integration of Lean and Agile
If XP and Scrum are the first generation of agile methods, Kanban software development is the next generation. Kanban integrates lean and agile principles to create better software faster and at less cost. Kanban does this by defining explicit methods to manage work flow, paying particular attention to the number of things being worked on simultaneously, and how the available resources are allocated. Alan Shalloway reviews the basic Lean Principles of “fast, flexible, and flow” along with the systemic nature of errors Kanban addresses. Alan describes the differences between time-boxed software methods such as Scrum and flow-based methods such as Kanban-and when you would want to use Kanban instead of Scrum. Learn how to implement Kanban by defining a workflow, managing your work in progress, and establishing a Kanban board to make the workflow and progress visible. Learn what to expect-both the good and the bad-if you undertake using Kanban.
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