Load Testing New Web Technologies

Eran Witkon, RadView Software

Web 2.0 applications represent a major evolution in Web development. These applications are based on new technologies such as AJAX, RIA, Web services, and SOA. Unless you, as a tester, understand the inner workings of these technologies, you cannot adequately test their functionality or prepare realistic and valid performance tests. Eran Witkon explains the new Web technologies, how to design and implement appropriate load tests, execute these tests, and interpret the results. For example, Eran describes why the classic "client requests a page and then waits" model used in performance testing the old Web does not adequately represent AJAX processing in which only parts of pages are requested and one request need not complete before another is initiated. Even if you have never been a programmer or developer, Eran's presentation will help you understand and develop testing strategies to mitigate the risks we all face with these new technologies.

  • The differences between traditional Web and Web 2.0 technologies
  • Testing challenges of AJAX, RIA, Web services, and SOA
  • Demonstrations of load testing tools

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