Make the Shift to Quality Engineering

Melissa Tondi

In the shift toward “continuous everything” in software development and delivery, we know that testing and testers must foster and support innovation within technology. Many of us just don’t know how to gauge that shift or, more importantly, know what needs to happen within our role to make it happen. Melissa Tondi explores the future of testing, what skills we should have/develop to ensure we are prepared for that future, and the traits of a quality engineer (QE)—where she believes many tester roles are shifting. Melissa walks you through what an innovation-oriented QE organization looks like, how she has shifted several traditional QA/testing teams to become quality engineers with balance between traditional specialist roles and more generalists—all while keeping efficiency and innovation at the forefront. Leave with proven methods on how to transition from QA to QE by incorporating technical capabilities—like test automation and other traditionally specialized roles—as well as providing approaches to be an innovation leader.

About the Presenter

Melissa Tondi has spent most of her career working within software testing teams. She is the founder of Denver Mobile and Quality (DMAQ), past president and board member of Software Quality Association of Denver (SQuAD), and Consultant Manager at Rainforest QA, where she assists companies to continuously improve the pursuit of quality software—from design to delivery and everything in between. In her software test and quality engineering careers, Melissa has focused on building and organizing teams around three major tenets—efficiency, innovation, and culture – and uses the Greatest Common Denominator (GCD) approach for determining ways in which team members can assess, implement and report on day to day activities so the gap between need and value is as small as possible.

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