Marrying Artificial Intelligence with Software Testing: Challenges & Opportunities

Wendy Siew Wen Chin

Emerging technologies such as the internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing have introduced a significant software variety and complexity. Wendy Siew Wen Chin and Heng Kar Lau explain that testers are challenged to support a wide product portfolio within harsh time, resource and budget constraints. More test automation may seem to be a solution to test efficiency, however there are many inefficient hot spots throughout the test automation life cycle. Join Wendy and Heng Kar as they share their experiences from the Intel IoT team. They share how to make use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools to leverage opportunities throughout a testing project. They show how to blend test data analytics, test automation, test coverage analytics and test case selection. Learn how software testing, AI and data analytics can be combined to transform your testing, by helping you focus your testing on what matters most.

About the Presenter

Wendy Siew Wen Chin received her PhD in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from The University of Nottingham with the specialization in computer vision and machine learning. She is currently a software engineer in Internet of Things group, Intel. Her focus is on machine learning, visual fog computing and predictive analytics based solutions. Her research interests include machine learning, computer vision, signal processing and data analytics. Wendy has filed 6 patent applications and more than 30 technical publications.

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