Mentoring for Rookie (and Experienced) Managers

Kevin Bodie, Pitney Bowes Inc

In the same way that every athlete needs a coach to help him develop and perfect their skills, software managers and technical leads need mentors to help them improve his leadership and management skills. Working with an effective coach should be part of every manager's personal career development plan. With his proven track record of identifying and developing strong technical managers, Kevin Bodie discusses how to find and recruit personal mentors. He also explains how to become a great mentor yourself. Learn what you can expect from a mentor, what your mentor will expect from you, and practical techniques for mentoring and coaching others. Take away tools to build and keep leading-edge management skills and ways to assess the results of mentoring.

  • Effective selection and recruiting of coaches and mentors
  • Mentoring techniques that really work
  • How to keep developing as a manager

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