The New Era of Community-based Testing

Doron Reuveni, uTest

Professionals are being confronted by a growing list of challenges-shorter release cycles, increased expectations, smaller budgets, and fewer testing resources. It's time to rethink the outdated methods of the past to enable us to deal with increased complexity in technical platforms, agile development methodologies, and greater scrutiny into the costs of defect discovery. Community-based testing meets these challenges head-on. By utilizing a global community of professional testers, companies can achieve higher quality releases, meet their release schedules, and stay within budget. Doron Reuveni describes the increasing role of community-based testing in the world of quality assurance. He describes how innovative software and Web companies are using virtual QA teams to support their in-house testing efforts. Discover best practices of how community-sourced testing support the needs of agile Web organizations as well as traditional plan-driven software firms.

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