Nonfunctional Requirements: Forgotten, Neglected, Misunderstood

Ellen Gottesdiener, EBG Consulting, Inc.

Nonfunctional requirements-interfaces, design and implementation constraints, and quality attributes such as performance, usability, robustness, and more-are essential to build the right product, right. Yet analysts, developers, and business customers often struggle with when and how to define and document these requirements. Unfortunately, some teams either completely neglect nonfunctional requirements up front, considering them less important or unrelated to user requirements, or they specify them incompletely or with untestable and unmeasurable attributes. Ellen Gottesdiener explains the types of nonfunctional requirements and how they are intertwined with functional requirements. Learn practical ways to visualize interfaces and prioritize their options while exploring techniques to specify quality attributes and their acceptance criteria. Join Ellen in a fast-paced survey of key practices to help you elicit, analyze, and specify nonfunctional requirements. By acknowledging the equal importance and value of nonfunctional requirements, your team will determine and specify requirements that fully define your product's needs.

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