Plans, Processes, and Practices for Successful Test Outsourcing

Martin Pol, POLTEQ IT Services BV

There are many reasons why outsourcing IT activities requires extra attention, especially when it concerns software testing. Examples of complete failures are common, and "backsourcing" is not uncommon today. Outsourcing test activities requires a comprehensive planning roadmap from the initial idea to implementation steps and ongoing processes. Martin Pol discusses creating a service level agreement for test outsourcing, managing the transition, approaches for cultural adjustments, and ways to monitor the outsourced work. An outsourcing relationship can be compared to a marriage, from the initial flirting through matrimonial happiness. Faith, flexibility, and openness based on trust are required for both a happy marriage and a successful outsourcing relationship. The difference is that outsourcing requires arrangements for ending the relationship before the wedding. In this compelling presentation, Martin also discusses the important issue of how to verify that the outsourcing service company is effectively performing its test responsibilities.

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