Points of Defect Creation: Speeding Detection and Correction

Shankar Krishnamoorthy, Krishna Sivaramakrishnan, and Aparna Venkateshwaran, Aspire Systems

Software development methodologies try to improve quality by promoting the tactic of testing "early and often." When a defect is detected, a report is filed, the developer tries to reproduce and repair the problem, and then testing must verify that the modification corrected the problem and did not create any new problems. Because it doesn't prevent the same types of errors from recurring, this approach is time consuming, costly, and inefficient. Errors are introduced into the product at various stages- requirements definition, design, and coding. If we focus our efforts on eliminating defects at the points of error introduction, we can reduce the time spent on error detection and correction. Shankar Krishnamoorthy discusses the best practices for error prevention that Aspire Systems has discovered in their experience of developing almost three hundred products.

  • Traditional software testing practices versus error prevention methods
  • The value of error prevention in lowering costs
  • Error prevention practices from the real world

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