Proving Out Your DevOps Pipeline Using a Minimum Viable Product

Tim Guay

In the rush to be more competitive, an organization is often tempted to do an across-the board, "big bang" implementation. However, taking a big bang approach to implementing a DevOps pipeline carries with it a myriad of risks and challenges that can result in a failed DevOps implementation. Many of these risks and challenges can be mitigated or even eliminated by developing a DevOps minimum viable product (MVP). Join Tim Guay as he discusses how to apply an MVP concept to DevOps. You'll understand how to effectively test the end-to-end functionality of your DevOps pipeline and provide just enough functionality and architecture to prove out the pipeline at minimal cost and risk. Learn how to flesh out any issues with proposed tooling, continuous integration and delivery, and processes and pipeline architecture, as well as how to address silo and cultural issues. You'll take home useful knowledge on the advantages of applying an MVP approach to DevOps pipeline implementation as well as how to design a DevOps MVP for your organization.

About the Presenter

Tim Guay is an agile coach, practitioner, course author, and instructor for a wide variety of organizations, ranging from startups to Fortune 50 companies in Canada, the US, the UK, and France. He has been an agile practitioner since 2002 and has been a leader in promoting agile and DevOps best practices. He currently sits on ICAgile’s DevOps Track Certification Committee. Tim has taught well over a thousand students, receiving excellent evaluations. He is certified by the Scrum Alliance to teach the CSD course as well as CSP continuing education courses. He is also certified by ICAgile to teach a wide range of courses, including the Fundamentals of DevOps certification course. Tim has presented, and will present, at several conferences on various agile topics.

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