QADevSecOps: Leading a Quality-Driven DevOps Transformation

Stacy Kirk

Have you wondered where QA professionals fit into a DevSecOps transformation? Stacy Kirk thinks they should champion the transformation. Regardless of where your company is on its journey to DevSecOps, quality must be at the forefront for optimal effectiveness and customer value. This means promoting feedback loops that use monitoring and reporting tools effectively, and most importantly, it means creating a culture of collaborative communication and continuous improvement. The role of the QADevSecOps practitioner must evolve from ensuring the quality of software to assessing the effectiveness of the company’s security and development processes using retrospectives as the new defect tracking system. Discover how Stacy’s experiences with innovative techniques have infused quality into every aspect of an agile transformation, from development to security to operations. You’ll learn how to address cultural challenges according to your company’s stage in the DevOps maturity model, along with how to use both subtle and bold leadership techniques as part of your motivational toolbox. Learn how knowledge and expertise drive the true meaning of quality—which ultimately brings value to the end-user.

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