Real World SOA: From Concept to Application

Frank Cohen, PushToTest

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is becoming a widely adopted approach for enterprises to attain agility and economy while meeting their Information Technology (IT) needs. Unlike previous attempts at component based software development efforts, development in SOA environments stresses code reuse through development, deployment, and orchestration standards. Frank Cohen explains the major trends currently in play that impact the use of XML in SOA and how a new base of computing technology using composite applications, Registry/Repository, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB,) Master Data Management (MDM), Database, and SOA protocols and practices deliver a solution. Frank begins with the SOA basics, explains their applications, and shares specific metrics that you can use to govern your SOA efforts.

  • Identify where SOA is applicable, and where it is not
  • The importance of performance and scalability
  • Metrics for governance

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