Reduce Risk Using Security QA Automation Techniques

Alexander Mouldovan, Cenzic Inc

Security QA testing is still in its infancy, yet the number of vulnerabilities found in applications is increasing-up by 75 percent in 2001 according to Gartner Group. Although software teams are learning about the types of coding and configuration errors that expose vulnerabilities in an application, a comprehensive QA methodology must be applied to reduce security risk. This means testers need a security policy that can serve as the basis for automated tests. Security experts can define these policies, but testers need to know how to effectively run the security tests in an automated environment to locate vulnerabilities, evaluate their results, and enter bugs for failed tests in a defect tracking system. By automating security tests, organizations can significantly reduce risk and maximize existing resource productivity.

  • Reduce the cost of development by finding security holes early in the cycle, before release
  • Learn techniques to leverage current security and QA resources to reduce risk
  • Learn to define policies that can automate security tests

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