Right Under Your Fingertips: Built-in Windows Tools for Test Automation

Matt Lowrie, Anark Corporation

Launching a test automation effort can be a daunting undertaking. An abundance of testing tools are available-but if you do not have previous automation experience, how can you know if you are investing in the right solution? A safe alternative is to begin with automation tools already included in the Microsoft Windows operating system. You can use these tools to build your own test automation system that produces professional results. Matt Lowrie demonstrates several Windows utilities that can be linked together to create a basic test automation framework. To begin, you'll need a basic knowledge of JScript (Javascript) or VBScript. Windows Script Host can be used
to execute applications and gather and report test results. Learn how to automate tests using Internet Explorer and the Microsoft® Office Suite.

  • Learn how to access the Windows file system
  • Use XML for documenting test results
  • Develop HTML-based graphical user interfaces for your test

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