Risk Based Testing – Are You Talking the Talk, Or Walking the Walk?

Gitte Ottosen

Risk-based testing is essential to focus our testing, but it is not always easy to apply to our projects. Risk management tends to focus more on project and process risks (i.e., Will we make the deadline? Do we follow our processes?) and less on the product risks that can act as a foundation for a risk-based approach to test. Including this aspect of risk in your test coverage will give you a solid foundation for defining a test strategy that implements and executes the right tests with the right intensity to mitigate the most critical product risks. In this presentation, Gitte Ottosen walks you through approaches to lightweight product risk analysis that can be applied whether you are working in a traditional or agile context. The approaches focus on the conversation around identifying and classifying product risks as a team effort, as well as how to use product risk analysis to support test specification and execution. Attend this session to learn how to apply your testing where it is needed most, focusing not only on creating the best strategy but also on implementing that strategy within the team.


[video:https://youtu.be/Ja6e-bn19HU width:300 height:200 align:right]

About the Presenter

Gitte Ottosen is a Test Manager and Test Coach at Capgemini-Sogeti Denmark. As a career tester, Gitte has more than 20 years of experience in test engineering and test management, in both traditional and agile contexts. She has worked with test process improvement; first as a test architect/manager in Systematic and more recently as a test coach for a number of large private and public companies in Denmark. As a self-confessed test evangelist who preaches the need for a structured and committed approach to testing, Gitte is a strong advocate for a context-driven approach, a role requiring profound professional insight, passion, and persistence—qualities that Gitte holds in abundance. Gitte holds a number of certificates within testing as well as agile; ISEB Practitioner, CAT, TMap Test Engineer and Certified SCRUM Master, SAFe SPC, and is a Fellow within SogetiLabs.

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