Scenario-Based Software Architecture Reviews: A Quality Process

Kevin Bodie, Pitney Bowes Inc

Quality attributes--performance, scalability, availability, maintainability, etc.-are often referred to as the non-functional requirements. Unfortunately, these critical factors often are specified through vague platitudes rather than explicit statements. Participatory, scenario-based architecture reviews are essential to determine if the architecture meets the system's quality attributes as well as the functional requirements. Scenario-based architecture reviews rigorously examine the characteristics of the system to determine strengths, limitations, operating bounds, and overall requirements satisfaction. Results include the impact on and risk of architectural choices for the system. Kevin Bodie details the architecture review planning process, illustrates its execution, and shows you the results with specific deliverables-the Architecture Readout Presentation and Executive Architecture Readout. Kevin presents real-world examples of these deliverables and offers you a review process model to implement in your organization.

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