A Simple (and Revolutionary) Test Automation Dashboard

Kelly Whitmill, IBM Corporation

Even though most everyone recognizes that automation is a key element in improving test efficiency, many automation efforts unfortunately fall far short of achieving the desired results. One tool for keeping progress visible is an Automation Dashboard-a one-page report that tells the automation story clearly and simply with charts and gauges. This report becomes a tool to improve your organization’s understanding, communication, and use of good automation practices. At the same time it helps keep the focus on costs, benefits, purposes, and related automation issues that are often overlooked. Kelly Whitmill explains how the dashboard provides a quick measurement of the automation and allows results to be compared to expectations and other test efforts. Measurement and visibility alone promote improvement by increasing awareness of your automation goals. Additionally, the simplicity of having a single, relatively easy-to-fill-in page makes it achievable and easier to share with others.

  • A better understanding and visibility of good automation practices
  • Simplify automation strategy measurement and reporting
  • The fundamental principles of successful test automation

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