Skill Diversity: The Key to Building the Ideal Test Team

Barry Power, Bayer Corporation

The dictionary defines "diversity" as "variety"-and that's just what an effective test team needs. It's much easier to hire people just like you-after all, they are easy to understand and manage. But Barry Power has found that teams
consisting of all thinkers, all planners, all doers, all coordinators, or all finishers are not as effective as teams with a diverse composition. Barry has built powerful
teams when combining leading-edge thinkers with nose-to-the-grindstone doers, the steadiness of experience with the enthusiasm of rookies, and the benefits of knowledge with the vision that only new eyes possess. Join Barry as he describes successful teams in fields as diverse as aerospace rockets and medical devices. Learn how you can create more effective teams through diversity.

  • Discover the powerful meaning of diversity
  • Learn what characteristics to value in teams
  • Match team members with team roles and responsibilities

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