Source Code Analysis in the Agile World

Gwyn Fisher, Klocwork, Inc

Agile practitioners know that achieving high velocity in iterations requires a pinpoint focus on code quality. The death of many projects can be traced to an out-of-control defect queue being pushed uphill from one iteration into the next. Source Code Analysis has emerged as an effective technology that plays an integral role in achieving defect-free code within a contained cost and effort. However, the actual benefits achieved are dependent on when and how the technology is applied, and how broadly it is used by team members. Gwyn Fisher describes how developers can make automated code inspection and other related technologies such as regular refactoring and peer review part of their daily routine, resulting in more stable iterations, increased team velocity, and more predictable delivery. Gwyn also provides a technical walkthrough of the history of source code analysis, illustrates where many of today's misconceptions come from, and provides a technical description of its strengths, limitations, and potential future applications.

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