STAREAST 2006: Session-Based Exploratory Testing: A Large Project Adventure

George Bliss, Captaris

You know the story: Marketing wants more features, faster release cycles, and release dates that do not slip. Customers want new functions and software that does not break. Testers and developers want to release high quality software with limited resources. Management wants good information to make ship don't ship decisions. What if, facing all of these wants, you could reduce testing time by up to 50% and release better code as evidenced by fewer defects with lower severity after release? George Bliss shows you how a switch from traditional script-based testing to session-based exploratory testing-along with agile development practices and more automation-achieved those results. With session-based exploratory testing, they delivered real-time status updates to management and helped to make the quality of software everyone’s business.

  • Improved communication and reporting to stakeholders with session-based exploratory testing
  • Spread the decision surrounding release decisions to all critical groups
  • Tools for handling the results from session-based exploratory testing

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