STAREAST 2009: The Irrational Tester: Avoiding the Pitfalls

James Lyndsay, Workroom Productions, Ltd.

As a tester or test manager, have you ever wondered whether reason actually plays a part in some management decisions? It seems that many decisions are influenced by far more-or far less-than rational analysis. Surprise! Testers make decisions that are just as irrational as anyone else. James Lyndsay presents his view of bias-why we so often labor under the illusion of control, how we lock onto the behaviors we're looking for, and why two people can use the same evidence to support opposing positions. James shares real-life experiences of tester irrationality to help you see how biases affect our everyday work. Discover why timeboxes work, why independence really matters, and the subtle nudges that can encourage us to stay on track. Be prepared to join in discussions, engage with demonstrations, and challenge your preconceptions. By understanding how patterns underlie irrationality, James promises that you will become a better tester.

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