STAREAST 2010: Testing AJAX: What Does It Take?

Joachim Herschmann, Borland (a Micro Focus company)

Using AJAX technologies, Web 2.0 applications execute much of the application functionality directly in the browser. While creating a richer user-experience, these technologies pose significant new challenges for testers. Joachim Herschmann describes the factors that are critical in testing Web 2.0 applications and what it takes to master these challenges. After presenting an overview of typical Web 2.0 application technologies, Joachim explains why object recognition, synchronization, and speed are the pillars for a truly robust and reliable AJAX test automation approach. He shows how to architect testability directly into AJAX applications, including examples of how to instrument applications to provide the data that testing tools require. Joachim shares his experiences of Micro Focus's Linz development lab and describes how they overcame the challenges of testing their modern AJAX applications. Join Joachim to learn how testers and developers can collaborate to create more testable Web 2.0 applications.

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