The Strategic Alignment of Testing and Development

Jasbir Dhaliwal, FedEx Institute of Technology at the University of Memphis

Strategic alignment between testing and development is vital for successful systems development. Missing, however, have been actionable, how-to approaches for assessing and enhancing this alignment. Jasbir Dhaliwal and Dave Miller present STREAM, the Software Testing Reassessment and Alignment Methodology, a systematic approach used to achieve this alignment at both strategy and execution levels. STREAM incorporates a step-by-step procedure that can be used to: 1) identify symptoms of developer-tester misalignment, 2) analyze and understand the misalignment, and 3) formulate action-plans for fostering stronger developer-tester alignment. In addition, Jasbir and Dave identify specific mechanisms and tools for ensuring that the execution capabilities of testing groups are aligned with their stated strategies. This represents a natural pre-requisite for successful developer-tester alignment. STREAM extends ideas commonly used by corporate CIOs for ensuring business-IT alignment to the realm of ensuring alignment within the corporate IT unit as well. Take away a practical framework for thinking strategically about the testing function and its collaborative relationship with development.

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