Table-Driven Requirements with the FIT Testing Tool

Ken Pugh, Net Objectives

Eliciting and articulating customer requirements-clearly and precisely-is difficult to say the least. Inaccuracies often creep in when translating requirements from business ideas into software models. Working with many clients, Alan Shalloway found that creating a large number of tables with examples-however time consuming the tables are to create-adds to the clarity and precision of requirements. He found, too, that if you can use the same example table as tests, then the time is well spent. Alan presents table-driven requirements as an approach to defining both functional and test specifications. Examine business rules, user interface flows, user-observable states, and other forms of useful tables. Learn how to employ the Framework for Integrated Testing (FIT) to turn table-driven requirements into table-driven tests. Alan describes the FIT row, action, and column fixtures and shows examples of how to use them to create complex requirements specifications and develop tests. See how these tables can drive the code with less requirement-to-code translation, resulting in more maintainable systems.

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