Taming the Code Monolith-A Tester's View

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc

Many organizations have systems that are large, complex, undocumented, and very difficult to test. These systems often break in unexpected ways at critical times. This is not just limited to older legacy systems-even more recently built Web sites are also in this condition. Randy Rice explores strategies for testing these types of systems, which are often monolithic mountains of code. He describes methods he has used to understand and "refactor" them to break up their huge complex codebase into something more testable and more maintainable. Randy describes how to build a set of tests that can be reused even as the system is being restructured. Find out how to perform regression, integration, and interoperability testing in this environment. See how new technologies such as service oriented architecture (SOA) can help achieve better system structures, and learn when and where test automation fits into your plans.

  • How to test large, undocumented, and highly integrated systems
  • Regression and integration testing in a complex environment
  • New technologies for testing and refactoring systems

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