Test Team Leadership-Yes, There's a Place for It in Agile

Bob Galen, iContact

One of the gravest misconceptions about the agile methodologies isn’t about documentation, teamwork, quality, or productivity. It’s about the role of leadership and management in the adoption and sustained operation of agile practices. In no place is this more visible than in statements such as “We don’t need no stinking test managers … we’re agile.” Bob Galen explores this common misconception and shares his experiences of the proper role of leadership and management within agile test teams. He explains the concept of “servant leadership” and illustrates its practice with healthy and unhealthy examples he’s observed in the real world. Bob examines the relationship among the whole-team quality focus of agile, the test practices that agility demands, and the role of a test leader-whether as a manager or an individual contributor. Learn how firm, context-based leadership is vital to ensure that good testing practices are maintained and enhanced in the agile development world. Leave with a new understanding of how to become a collaborative, servant leader within your team.

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