Testing in the Cloud: Policy, Security, Privacy, and Culture

Steven Woodward, Cloud Perspectives

Many organizations are evaluating and migrating toward cloud computing solutions. In 2012, the challenges are less technological, and more cultural and policy related. Steven Woodward shares the National Institute of Standards for Technology (NIST) Cloud Computing Reference Architecture that forms the foundation for many organizations’ cloud initiatives. He describes the key policy, security, privacy, and cultural considerations in the context of testing in cloud computing and what cloud standards development organizations are adopting. When considering cloud computing service models, old habits need to be reassessed and refined. Testers in the cloud need to be aware of the various options and specifically where they fit in the cloud ecosystem. Cloud testing skills remain critical; however, processes, procedures, and general habits will require changes, depending on the specific cloud solution adopted. Steven shares real-life practical scenarios to emphasize cultural perspectives for testers.

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