Things Are Broken: A Case Study In Moving Too Fast

Chris Murman

"Move fast and break things” tells quite a story of the relationship between speed and agile. Speed has been a driver in our industry before it was even an industry. Books promise that certain frameworks can deliver twice as much in half the time, yet teams still struggle delivering what's expected of them. This session describes a six-month case study of a multi-team transformation. The orders were to make the teams deliver faster, but they were consistently missing deadlines. Frustration was on the rise. Only after taking the time to understand what they meant by "faster" could the teams improve—and the solution ended up being to slow down. Chris Murman will help you learn how to make the case to slow down, work in increments, deliver frequently, and delight customers. He will explain which metrics to use to measure progress, patterns of successful teams, and the necessary coaching stances. This session will give you the language, tools, and insights to help you and your team slow down to speed up.

About the Presenter

Chris Murman 's first job out out of college was the weekend sports anchor at an NBC affiliate. If he had only known what was in store! Interestingly enough, he still loves telling the stories of others every day. Each interaction is an opportunity to learn what made you unique and understand where you came from. If we got to know each other more on a personal level, it would make the tough conversations easier to have. You can read more of his work at and on the Agile Uprising podcast. Come tell him your story!

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