Three New Technologies that Will Disrupt Your Test Organization

Klaus Haller, Swisscom IT Services

Which forces are shaping the future of your test organization-processes, tools, technologies? It is a simple-and misleading-question. The test organization is not the center of the universe. The test organization serves the IT department and the business. If they change, the test organization must change. Three new technologies-the cloud, service-oriented architectures, and multi-tenant systems-are revolutionizing IT departments. Test organizations must adapt their methodologies, tools, and processes to these technologies. The combination of these three is a catalyst for advanced sourcing models. Join Klaus Haller to learn how the rise of application or business service provisioning changes the task portfolio and staffing needs of testing organizations. Discuss with Klaus how to move from a classic testing organization to a continuous and holistic quality assurance organization. Take back disruptive insights and fresh ideas that may be new to your organization-and just may help get your test organization ready for the future.

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