Top Ten Disruptive Technologies You Must Understand

Doron Reuveni, uTest

The consumerization of enterprise software applications is no longer on its way-it is here. Emerging technologies such as mobile apps, tablets, 4G, cloud computing, and HTML5 are impacting software engineering and testing organizations across all industries. By enabling sensitive data to be accessed through the web and on mobile devices, there is immense pressure to ensure that apps are reliable, scalable, private and secure. Using real-world examples, Doron Reuveni identifies the top ten disruptive technologies that have transformed the software industry and outlines what they mean for the testing community now and in the future. The ways in which web and mobile apps are designed, developed, and delivered are changing dramatically, and therefore the ways these apps are being tested are being taxed and stretched to the breaking point. It is crucial that test and engineering organizations prepare to meet the challenges these emerging technologies present.

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