Top Ten Reasons Test Automation Projects Fail

Shrinivas Kulkarni, iGATE Global Solutions

Test automation is the perennial "hot topic" for many test managers. The promises of automation are many; however, many test automation initiatives fail to achieve those promises. Shrini Kulkarni explores ten classic reasons why test automation fails. Starting with Number Ten ... having no clear objectives. Often people set off down different, uncoordinated paths. With no objectives, there is no defined direction. At Number Nine ... expecting immediate payback. Test automation requires a substantial investment of resources which is not recovered immediately. At Number Eight ... having no criteria to evaluate the success. Without defined success criteria, no one can really say whether the efforts were successful. At Number Seven ... Join Shrini for the entire Top Ten list and discover how you can avoid these problems.

  • Why so many automation efforts fail
  • A readiness assessment to begin test automation
  • Learn from the mistakes other organizations have made

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