A Unique Testing Approach for SOA Systems

Ed Horst, Amberpoint

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) systems most often use services that are shared across different applications. Some services may even be supplied by third-parties, outside the direct control of a project, system, or organization. As these services evolve, organizations face the issue of ensuring the continuing proper functionality and performance of their ever-changing SOA systems. The implication of even a minor change to a service is often not fully understood until the systems dependent on that service operate in production and then fail. Creating an environment in which all SOA systems dependent on a particular service can be tested is virtually impossible. However, Ed Horst presents a unique approach to testing services that does not require a detailed knowledge of the systems that use that service. Ed shares real-world examples of organizations that have successfully managed service changes.

  • Pitfalls of changing an SOA system without adequate testing
  • A cost-effective way to test an entire set of dependent applications
  • Plan for change in a world of interconnecting service oriented architectures

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