Virtual Test Labs: The Next Frontier

Darshan Desai, Microsoft

Are you spending too much time setting up test environments? Do you have too many "can't repro" defects? Test lab virtualization may be the answer you're looking for. It's no longer just a promise-it can be a reality in modern test labs today. Darshan Desai explains how to leverage virtualization to solve some of your complex testing problems. Virtualization provides the ability to create and share test environments quickly and do more testing in the same amount of time. Darshan explains how virtualization reduces the total cost of ownership of test labs and helps you test earlier on production-like environments. More importantly, you'll be able to file high-quality, actionable defect reports that are reproducible for the developer. Learn how successful teams at Microsoft use virtual test labs and understand the best practices and the pitfalls to watch out for when you go virtual.

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