Industrial Strength Software: Effective Management Using Measurement
Larry Putnam and Ware Myers combine substantial doses of common sense; a pragmatic insistence that you must measure in order to manage effectively; the realization that software engineering, like most other things in real life, has rhythms and patterns that can be understood if properly analyzed; and an optimism that things can get better. Their optimism is backed by copious industry data.
The authors propose a simple approach to software project management:
- Understand key concepts for each management activity
- Find metrics that quantify these concepts
- Measure the activity
- Find a pattern based on the measurements
- Respond using the pattern as a guide
This approach applies whether you're managing a project, working to improve product reliability, or attempting to proceed to a higher level of software process maturity.

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Putnam and Myers have hit another home run! This excellent book on software project management updates concepts introduced in earlier works (e.g., Measures for Excellence, Yourdon Press, 1992). This easy-to-read book provides emphasis on the use of measurements for effective project management. Many concepts discussed in this work are implemented in the tool offerings of Quantitative Software Management, Inc. (Putnam's compay). The book uses many industrial examples to illustrate the authors' points. Each chapter is relatively short (average chapter length: 7.725 pages) and richly illustrated with charts and (believe it or not) cartoons! Although the quotes and cartoons keep the reader interested and amused, there is serious stuff in this volume. Addressed are project planning, point and range estimating, project management, the "impossible region," the tradeoff region, establishing risk profiles, software reliability, reuse, ROI and the CMM, and process improvement. Recommended reading for anyone who develops, manages, or acquires software.