Software Engineering, Vol. 2
(Back Cover Copy)
This second volume on software engineering processes includes reprinted and newly authored papers that describe the supporting life cycle processes that can prepare individuals to take the IEEE Computer Society Certified Software Development Professional examination. Volume 2 details the eight supporting life cycle processes that developers need to employ and execute in the engineering of software products. This required support plays an integral part and has a distinct purpose that affects the overall success and quality of the software project.
The eight supporting processes covered in this include the documentation, configuration management, quality assurance, verification, validation, joint review, audit, and problem resolution. In addition, this tutorial covers the four processes of the organizational life cycle. These are used to establish and implement an underlying structure made up of associated life cycle processes and personnel that will continuously improve upon the structure and process of the project. These organizational processes are management, infrastructure, improvement, and training.
Each chapter in this book starts by introducing the subject, supporting papers, and standards. The backbone for this publication is IEEE/EIA Standard 12207-1997, Standard for Information Technology—Software Life Cycle Processes.

Review By: Gerald Thompson
05/17/2004“Software Engineering, Volume Two” is a collection of articles written by software engineering experts to prepare software engineering professionals for the IEEE Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) examination.
Articles were carefully selected to reflect the terminology and concepts from IEEE/EIA Standard 12207-1997, Standard for Information Technology --- Software Life Cycle Process. Articles were also chosen based on their coverage of proven topics, tested methodologies, and unbiased presentation of vendors’ tools.
Though an effort has been made to include recent articles, the editors maintain that much of the earlier work remains valid today. As a result, the bulk of articles are dated from the mid to late 1990s. The earliest article in the series, “A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement” by Barry W. Boehm is dated 1988.
Original papers include Ian Sommerville’s “Software Documentation” and Richard H. Thayer’s “Software Engineering Management” and “Software Engineering Project Management.” Each article has been scanned from its original source for inclusion in this volume, and as a result, some of the graphics are sub-optimal to the point of being unreadable. However, the authors maintain that the reader must view the original sources of the IEEE Standards related to the CSDP exam, because the sections included in the volume are a condensed version of the appropriate Standards and are included to clarify the terms used in the articles.
Condensed versions of the IEEE standards are included in the volume for reference purposes. The editors recommend also accessing the original standards for contractual citations. Technical drawbacks aside, “Software Engineering, Volume Two” is a comprehensive reference for software engineering professionals who are seeking to pass the CSDP exam as well as those who wish to avoid the “software crisis” where software is late, over budget, and fails to meet customer requirements.