In agile, most companies and teams associate “product” with the product owner role. While the product owner role is very important, how does this scale? How do you coordinate priorities across product owners, groups, and product lines? The product owner responsibilities are well-defined for how they interact with their team, but what about other product-related activities? Todd Olson will explore scaling the notion of product in agile organizations. He’ll look at the role beyond the product owner with a renewed focus on the profession of product management, which is often de-emphasized or forgotten in agile transformations. Using the Pragmatic Marketing framework and responsibility definitions as a backdrop, Todd will explore responsibilities like pricing and packaging, sales enablement, growth, investment decision-making, marketing communication, forecasting, and product expectations management. All these responsibilities and many more sit above team-level agile product ownership, and they are crucial for delivering customer value. Todd will expand your thinking of product in agility significantly, beyond the team into pragmatic operation in the real world.