Your clarifications provide a different kettle of fish to fry.
Sounds like the data and reports are actually part of the test environment. Way back in my early days, a programmer once told me that his best approach was to figure out what he needed an app to do (requirements), do a process manually until it worked properly (design development), and then automate, test and deploy it.
Sounds like you guys are doing a sort of "development of proof of concept" by "testing" the steps with predetermined data and data formats.
The point is that in this case I would say you should have the data under control so you can reduce the number of variables. For example, if you modify wing connections at the same time as increasing engine power, how will you know which caused the wing to fall off.
I am assuming that the data inputs and outputs are occasionally modified in regard to the data, the form and/or format.
You said, "They are now looking at me to manage the data flowing through this 'enrichment' process which is new challenge for me." Of course they are! In my mind, this is very similar to creating a release for stages in a life cycle because someone must make sure that the materials released are the ones designated for the release -- and that someone appears to be you in this case.
We once ran across a software program that passed the developers' test, but failed on system testing. The internal tester claimed that he was performing internal system testing so could't understand why it passed with him but failed in the external environment. After he explained where he had obtained the system test materials (which he wasn't supposed to have), his team lead did a little research and discovered that the test materials had been modified (formally) several times. Also had a case where an external tester was using test materials from his workstation instead of the materials forwarded by the CM Librarian.
I suspect it is especially to prevent such situations that they want you to control the test materials.
Regarding tools used as baseline version repositories (SubVersion included), it is not uncommon to store artifacts in them - even if there is no intent to change the artifacts (ala change control). Typically, a good repository tool, especially one developed specifically for CM work, has security features that can strongly warrant the integrity of the files.
Speaking of "CM tools," would someone please define what contitutes a "CM tool?"