You said, "the research is about the risks and challenges that will face the company when introducing the SCM process to their traditional process."
It will take a lot of time because of the number of threads, but if you look through the threads in this forum, you will run across a lot of the challenges. There have been many questions and comments about challenges similar to these:
"I am trying to introduce CM but my developers are against."
"My company managers don't understand why we need CM."
"We all agree we need CM, but we can't afford it."
"Team A wants it but Team B does not."
When you find those entries, you will also find some answers to many of them.
Similar, or maybe parallel, to Bob's answer, have a look through the Articles category here on CM Crossroads.
As to risks, in the conventional sense, not many. In fact, good CM mitigates many of the risks relating to the products. Most of the risks are to company management, such as:
"The risk of creating CM processes that bind too tightly or not tightly enough." Too tight and production can suffer, too loosely and quality can suffer.
"The risk of purchasing a tool that's too expensive, when it's full capabilities are not needed."
"The risk of buying a silver bullet." Many think that you can just buy a tool and have instant CM. This is usually the result of listening to sales people before deciding what you really need in the first place.
Again, many of these risks have been the subject of threads in this forum.
Good luck!