Yep, you'll have to add TTScript call to all templates where action dropdown is shown and should be "fixed". But in TT 6.1 this dropdown is loaded in separate frame with all transition buttons, called like formbuttons.
Here is link with small example adding code to template: http://bit.ly/fmufWC
In your case you'll have to do following:
- add $SCRIPT(ModifyActionDropdownForUser) call in proper templat. I preffer adding within javascript page init code.
- create TTScript(ModifyActionDropdownForUser)
Option Explicit
Dim vbCr , vbLf , vbCrLf , vbEol , vbQuote , vbSingleQuote , vbHtmlNewLine
vbCr = Chr(13)
vbLf = Chr(10)
vbCrLf = vbCr & vbLf
vbEol = "<BR>" + vbCrLf
vbHtmlNewLine = "<BR>" + vbCrLf
vbQuote = Chr(34)
vbSingleQuote = Chr(39)
Call Ext.WriteStream("//ModifyActionDropdownForUser" & vbCrLf )
Call Ext.WriteStream("alert('Hello World. Here we have to add code for modifying Action DropDown.');")
This is the basics. Hope this will help you or someone who will be interested in calling adding javascript within teamtrack templates via teamscript.