I don't know SD, and migration sounds like problems, unless there is a tool from one of the vendors. The basic problem is, that the mental model behind SD resp. Synergy probably is different. Tasks and baselines may exist in both worlds, but with different semantics. So automatic import will definitely loose some information.
Our approach when moving to Synergy was, to identify a handful or less of releases/tags/labels/"whatever they are called" for each product, that we wanted to be able to maintain. (Remember to identify common subprojects, and migrate them only once.)
These kits were then copied to a file system, migrated into Synergy and baselined, one at a time in the same sequence they were created. (Use separate target releases.) So, in the Synergy world only the file versions that are in a release/label/whatever exist. But it is possible to do maintenance on an old version if necessary.
Hope this helps
Mogens Dybæk Christensen
MAN Diesel & Turbo