In CA SCM, is it possible to extract a project's repository from SCM admin and put it into another project while retaining the version numbers for the code?

pauly_scm1's picture
pauly_scm1 asked on December 6, 2011 - 9:34pm | Replies (2).

I am currently using SCM for version control only and need to "split" a project into two different projects but I cant lose the versions. I already tried extracting and loading a repository but the versions get wiped out. Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you

2 Answers

sam elliot's picture

Review cross project merge in the documentation.

JamesWilson's picture


The Cross Project Merge information will certainly help when taking changes from, for example, one Package in a Project, to another Package in a different Project.

However, your post mentions "Admin" and "splitting repositories" which, to me, indicates that you might be trying to do something far more sophisticated?!

What CA SCM cannot do is allow you to extract a Project (including all of its component parts, such as Forms, UDPs, Packages, etc) and import that into a completely different installation. This becomes useful when, for example, you want to extract a code-base developed in-house and send that to a separate installation located off-shore (then possibly bring them back together).

We have a tool - Project Manager - that does allow such practices and also allows the exports and imports of Projects (to/from differing Brokers) that might reside on different platforms; export from UNIX/Oracle to Windows/SQLServer.

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