Does anyone have estimation metrics for configuration management and data management?

skershaw's picture
skershaw asked on October 11, 2012 - 5:42pm | Replies (1).

I do a lot of estimations for projects involving configuration management and data management. One of the requirements these days is that you make estimates based on historical actuals or metrics derived from same.

Unfortunately, I have yet to find a highly correlatable metric that will definitively provide an estimate that will result in a fairly accurate bid (when compared to the conclusion of execution). I recognize that such things are highly variable, and a lot of items can impact getting a good metric.

I would be interested in knowing if anyone out there has a metric that can be shared in this public forum that has a high degree of correlation to actual hours experienced. Some of the metrics I've seen are:

% of software design/code/integration hours (% of DCI)
hours/change request
% of Lines of Code

none of which - to my satisfaction - yeild a definitive answer.

1 Answer

bglangston's picture
bglangston replied on October 15, 2012 - 3:56pm.

Best I can do is wish you luck on this one. It is unfortunate that many powers-that-be are requesting such estimates on what is essentially a level-of-effort job. What they don't understand is that, much like the job of PM, it requires your constant vigilance for immediate action.

Reminds me of a time when the Program Management Office wanted me to provide them with a six-month CM schedule. I tried to explain to them the uncertainties of CM activities. With their "we-ain't-giving-an-inch" attitude, they simply didn't hear the parts about "it depends on the source of activity, ECP, TPR, etc., the nature of the proposal/request, the complexity of analysis required, etc."

What finally got their attention was: "You give me your schedule for your next accident, what it will be and the damages to be incurred; and I will give you a schedule for CM activities."

Now, if you're talking about setting up a CM program, that can be broken down into such tasks as "how long to write/develop the CM policy, the CM plan, CCB charter, Issue reporting template, individual procedures documents, etc.

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