Yes but limited use. Most is still internal. I'm sure you figured that out that email doesn’t get resolved. So we're only doing it with LDAP groups that also have a distribution list.
For example the distribution email address for our operators looks like [email protected]. I created a user called it.ops with that email address. I then created a user group called allprojects and gave it USE access to every project. Then I’m able to put the it.ops user (not group) into any notify (left side). Again you can’t put it.ops (the group) on the notify’s right-side because that doesn’t work.
So... In the end I have both a user and a group with the same name. The user is internal and is just an email address (btw, the password is a super long random string that no one knows). The group is an external LDAP group. The user it.ops is in one group called allprojects. Both goups, it.ops and allprojects, have USE access where needed.