Has anyone developed an Enterprise CM Implementation (or Project) Plan in MS Project?

OSDCIOCMGUY asked on May 2, 2011 - 2:36pm | Replies (3).

I am developing an Enterprise CM Implementation (or Project) Plan in MS Project. I see lots of CM templates and a few CM project templates in MS Word, but nothing as far as a full fledged Enterprise Plan.

This plan is going to ber VERY comprehensive: in essence "Start Enterprise CM" and ending with "End Enterprise CM" (well, at lest its implementation).

If anyone can provide a MS project template of such a CM Implementaion Project Plan, it would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

bglangston's picture

I may have an old file somewhere at home. If I can find it, not currently loaded on any computer, I'll make arrangements to get it to you.

I don't know how large the "enterprise" is, but I highly recommend that you start with "Investigate (or "Establish"; either sounds better than "Research") roles and authorities." This is not CM roles and authorities, but "CM Implementation Roles and Authorities."

Joe Farah's picture
Joe Farah replied on May 17, 2011 - 11:57am.

Are you trying to consolidate existing CM efforts in the Enterprise, or are you introducing CM into the enterprise? These would be very different plans.

In any event, I suggest regular communications and consultations with the various parts of the enterprise throughout the process.

In addition, if you're looking at developing a process which the enterprise has to sign off on, you may want to look at CM tools as part of this plan. Some, though few, CM tools have integrated process modeling capability.

CMMI also provides an decent Enterprise oriented description of Key Practice Areas.

In any event, I would strongly recommend that you look at the latest CM/ALM technology to ensure that you plan is sufficiently advanced yet fully realizable. Vendors can give you a lot of guidance as part of their pitch process.

bglangston's picture

How many times have we heard/read here on CrossRoads words to the effect: "Figure out the processes and then find the tool that is the best fit?"

It should not be a case of the tool as part of the plan, but "tool selection" as part of the CM Implementation Plan AFTER processes and procedures are worked out.

CM Implementation is a project much like the project around any other product, be it computer software, computer hardware, a new skyscraper, or an LRWD.

A CM system requires:

1) The requirements of the system (to the most appropriate level of detail for your organization)
2) The design of the system (the overall structure of your CM system [just like any other very complex product with modules and components], which procedures and how they will interact for an integrated process procedurally and mechanically, who has which authorities)
3) Creation and testing of the system
a. Writing all the above "stuff" into documented procedures and guides
b. Selecting a tool that has the ability best satisfy all the foregoing, and
c. Activating the procedures (probably incrementally) and the tool
4. Operate and maintain the CM system you have created

Ideally, between 3a and 3b, you would have a testing loop (dry runs?) to serve two purposes. One is to find and correct any "bugs" in your process, and the other is to demonstrate how it all works to the people who will be participating. Of course, between 3c and 4, you will have to run samples through the tool to make sure it has been set up correctly.

Joe is correct in his second paragraph above except one word when he suggested "'regular' communications and consultations..." I would have said "constant." You are, after all, creating a system for the customer.

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