Help for Merge Activities between Streams and Projects in ClearCase

Demi Goldberg's picture

Do you have problems merging activities between projects and streams ?

Use Merge Activity - Context menu tool (right click on ClearCase Explorer) You can download the tool from:

You will need to configure the tool as context menu in ClearCase explorer with filelist argument.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Demi Goldberg

4 Answers

Ashok Kumar  Srinivasan's picture

Hi Demi,

Could you please brief me about your application?


Demi Goldberg's picture


By using this application you can select any Activity or Activities from one stream and select a target stream view for merge. It is the same as delivery but much more simple and without the complexity and dependencies between activities! It can help you a lot to merge an activity between diffrent project and you can also get much more info about the activity (compare versions, load Version tree etc)

In order to use it you will need to add add a new context menue on UCM Views (you need to configure right click on views) and give it the filelist argument.

Let me know if you need help to configure.

Demi Goldberg's picture

It is the best way to move change set / Activities between projects!

Demi Goldberg's picture


As I said , it is an add on , you need to use this tool as a context menu , go to home base and look for the context menu costomization.

You can also run this tool by sending him the view path, for example:

MergeActivity z:\integration_view

Hope it helped.

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